The most astonishing Art Gallery in the world
Paintings by Conrad Jon Godly in the SURA space
The rustic walls of a 15th century stable in the Swiss mountains
are the support for displaying the lastest art
The building that today houses the Stalla Madulain Art Gallery was built in 1488 in the small Swiss town of Madulain in the Engandin Valley. It was restored carefully preserving its original features.
Two cousins living in Zurich who regularly spend their holidays in the Enganding Valley are the architects of this extraordinary recovery. Here they present artists from the region and all those others who find inspiration among these mountains for their artistic creation.
The men behind this initiative that brings together collectors from all over the world are Gian Tumasch Appenzeller and Chasper Linard Schmidlin.
The three spaces of the old stable converted
into the most unique Art Gallery
The SURA space
with painting by Conrad Jon Godly
The IMMEZ space
with painting by Conrad Jon Godly
The SUOT space
with works by Kazuyo Okushiba
Photos by Franz Rindlisbacher
The original uses of the building
SURA, upstairs.
Hay, to dry the grass
IMMEZ, in the middle
for the cows and horses.
SUOT, under (cellar)
To hang the meet and cut the animals,
but the barrels, it was like a storage, fridge.
Via Principela 15, CH-7523 Madulain
Gian Tumasch Appenzeller
+41 78 640 65 66
Chasper Linard Schmidlin
+41 79 634 78 58
[email protected]